Leaving El Paso at sunrise

Roads traveled September 17

Must have been 50 Border Patrol cars and SUV's parked here; a similar sight in many small towns we traveled through.
Today, September 17, 2008 is the first full day into Texas. We left El Paso at 6:30 AM and arrived in Sierra Blanca at 2:00 PM, a distance of 91 miles. The first 60 miles was through some of the most beautiful farmland hosting a variety of crops many of which were being harvested. One of the more unique signs that we saw today was posted on a fence that had a large Pecan grove behind it; the sign read, “Do not pick my nuts.”
Some of the big things we have noticed: high school football stadiums, cotton fields and many other crops, full size 4x4 pickups with oversized wheels that howl like crazy as they drive down the road. Since they have had lots of recent rains, I rode past a big mud puddle along the edge of the road that was a ½ mile long. For supper we ate beef ribs, not only was it a big plate of ribs but also the ribs must have come out of a huge cow. When looking at a high school parking lot it is very clear that the biggest game in town is to run the pick ups through the big mud puddles and see how much dirt they can accumulate on their trucks.
The weather continues to be ideal. We started out at 57 degrees and ended the day at 75 degrees. The strong breeze started about 10:00 AM and of course it was blowing east to west. I will just have to learn to live with pedaling about 11 mph, and not let the wind get the better of me. I believed I was going to be riding about 14-15 mph, but I cannot maintain that for hours on end when riding into the wind. All the books I read in preparing for this journey suggested riding from west to east was the way to go because the prevailing wind blew from west to east. Apparently they have not ridden through Texas.
Tonight our accommodation in Sierra Blanca is a motel complex that was built in 1938. It is very unique to say the least. Real rock wall for exterior, solid pine wood floors and one electrical outlet!
Miles Traveled Today = 91
Total Miles = 958
Trivia = Passed up by no fewer than 47 Border Patrol vehicles

Roads traveled September 17

Our motel in Sierra Blanca!
Today, September 17, 2008 is the first full day into Texas. We left El Paso at 6:30 AM and arrived in Sierra Blanca at 2:00 PM, a distance of 91 miles. The first 60 miles was through some of the most beautiful farmland hosting a variety of crops many of which were being harvested. One of the more unique signs that we saw today was posted on a fence that had a large Pecan grove behind it; the sign read, “Do not pick my nuts.”
Some of the big things we have noticed: high school football stadiums, cotton fields and many other crops, full size 4x4 pickups with oversized wheels that howl like crazy as they drive down the road. Since they have had lots of recent rains, I rode past a big mud puddle along the edge of the road that was a ½ mile long. For supper we ate beef ribs, not only was it a big plate of ribs but also the ribs must have come out of a huge cow. When looking at a high school parking lot it is very clear that the biggest game in town is to run the pick ups through the big mud puddles and see how much dirt they can accumulate on their trucks.
The weather continues to be ideal. We started out at 57 degrees and ended the day at 75 degrees. The strong breeze started about 10:00 AM and of course it was blowing east to west. I will just have to learn to live with pedaling about 11 mph, and not let the wind get the better of me. I believed I was going to be riding about 14-15 mph, but I cannot maintain that for hours on end when riding into the wind. All the books I read in preparing for this journey suggested riding from west to east was the way to go because the prevailing wind blew from west to east. Apparently they have not ridden through Texas.
Tonight our accommodation in Sierra Blanca is a motel complex that was built in 1938. It is very unique to say the least. Real rock wall for exterior, solid pine wood floors and one electrical outlet!
Miles Traveled Today = 91
Total Miles = 958
Trivia = Passed up by no fewer than 47 Border Patrol vehicles
I had no idea that the far Western part of Texas was so fertile. You are making great progress and well ahead of schedule, keep it up and stay ahead of the Border Patrol!
Brother Don
I keep looking up from my working to find another state behind you. Go Leroy Go !!!!!
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