Today is our 42nd wedding anniversary and what a day it turned out to be. Our goal for the day was to ride 84 miles, double the number of years we have been married. Since Libby was dropping me off between Fort Stockton and Ozona it was easy to hit the exact location on the freeway that would give me the 84 miles necessary. I got on the bike at 7:00 AM and rode 10 ft when I discovered the back tire was flat. (Flat 5) Since we have been carrying a spare rim and tire, I decided to simply put on the spare. So by 7:05 I was on my way. The first 15 miles was covered in 58 minutes and I thought I would make it to the Ozona destination in record time. Just about that time I noticed there was a very long hill in front of me. Four miles later at 8 mph I was at the top and ready for another 12-mile gradual downward sloping road. Just as I was starting to get up to about 17 mph I noticed the bike tire was very low. So I pulled off the shoulder and began to replace the tube after checking the tire for any type of problem (Flat 6). No problem located so I took off for another 12 miles when once again I noticed a low tire. Made a stop, took off the tire pulled out the last tube I was carrying and replaced the tube once again (Flat 7). I pulled up another 4-mile hill only to discover at the top of the hill that once again I had a flat tire (Flat 8). At this point all I had left was patches to fix the tire. As I began to fix the tire I thought it would be best to give the guardian angel a call and bring more resources to my aide. So my 42-year bride brought me additional supplies and for the last time of the day I fixed one more flat that allowed me to make it the rest of the trip into Ozona.
I had no idea when I left this morning that the route between Fort Stockton and Ozona would require climbing about 14 miles of 6-7 mph hills. Pulling the hills was not all that bad except that going down the hills was severally restricted to speeds under 15 mph because of high winds. If I got going any faster than 15 mph the wind would start to shift me around to much and when you’re on the freeway shoulder, getting thrown around is not a good idea. So after 3 flat tires and 14 miles of hills and some high wind, I finally reached the Ozona community. I also rode past more wind generators, oil pumps and grazing sheep in the Bakersfield (TX) area than I could possibly count.
So after feeling sorry for myself and how difficult the day was, I had to give thanks just how blessed I really am to even be faced with these difficulties. Two years ago on our anniversary I was stuck in the hospital beginning my recovery from another round of chemotherapy. So what might seem tough at the moment simply needs to be put into proper perspective.
Libby and I went out to a local steakhouse for our anniversary dinner. It was a great dinner and we are currently enjoying M&M peanuts and Reese’s buttercups for desert as I attempt to share the day with you tapping on this keyboard. Does it get any better?
Trivia = Ozona, Texas is the only town in Crockett County which is 3,200 sq. miles!
Total Miles Traveled = 1226
First, Congratulations to both of you on your 42nd anniversary! What a blessing—God is good! Secondly, I’m enjoying following along on your trip. Keep pedaling! Brother Ken and I have traveled I-10 and some of the back roads through west Texas a few times on trips between Austin and Big Bend NP for backpacking and I remember the vast landscape. Of course we had four tires and a few horsepower to help.
Bob Rip
Leroy, congratulations to both you and Libby on 42 years! I'm enjoying following you on your journey across the USA, my prayers are with you.
Happy Anniversary!
Leroy, sounds like you could probably do well to invent a tire that does not go flat.
We are thorougly enjoying reading about your trip. We follow it on the map spread out on the table.
Mary and Roger
Happy Anniversary Leroy and Libby! We are enjoying the pictures, the geography lesson, your efforts. You haven't mentioned the strength it takes pedaling against that wind! I'm thinking you are getting "leaner and meaner"!
We are sitting here waiting for time to go to church. It's a beautiful clear and sunny morning after yesterday's showers. All is well here.
God keep you safe and no more flat tires. Jim and Jerri
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Sounds like you had quite a day.
We are enjoying your blog.
Stan and Thelma
You are on an incredible journey. We are following your daily reports. We remember your celebration in Sunnyside two years ago for the 20/40/60 and Leroy being in recovery at that time. So great to be following your dream for better or worse (8 flat tires)!!
God speed,
Nancy and Al
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