A New Day Outside Apache Junction, AZ -- Scenes Along the Way
What a day! 85 miles and 5700 feet of elevation gain. I got a nice early start and all was well until Superior AZ, then the road took off to the sky. After three hours of climbing on Hwy 60 with cars and trucks whipping by at 55 mph with no shoulder; I finally reached the summit. Since I was riding at 5.4 mph. I had to get off four times to take short breaks; the old legs were screaming.
Libby had gone to visit a classmate in Surprise AZ. and then drove to catch up to me; she arrived in Globe AZ. within 15 minutes of my arrival there. We had lunch and I was feeling like I needed a few more miles before calling it a day. So after riding up hill for 3 hours I got to ride down for about an hour and half to cover the next 30 miles. As I think about the day, I know that I certainly have much more energy to put into biking when the temperature is 15 degrees cooler. It never got over 84 degrees on any part of the ride.
We saw lots of different types of terrain. Much of it was mining country that goes way back to the 1800's. Many old mining relics dot the hillsides as well as huge cuts in the earth where they have been excavating for mostly copper.
We found ourselves out of cell phone contact many times throughout the day, but were able to find each other after some searching.
We are staying in Safford AZ. this evening as it was the next town with motels available. Tomorrow I will be shooting for 100 miles. We will be staying in Lordsburg, New Mexico Saturday night and all day Sunday for my first day off the bike.
Miles pedaled = 85
Total Miles = 594
Leroy, Keep it up! You are an inspiration. We're rooting for you! The posts and pictures are great.
Be good and safe.
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