Today was full of surprises! I was riding along this morning at about 8:30 AM just thinking about how nice it was going to be to finally be out of Texas. Suddenly from behind me came a female voice saying, “I was really looking good.” After getting over the initial shock I realized I recognized the voice. It belonged to Jeannie Cassatt who with her husband, Jim, a couple of our good friends from the Yakima area. After pulling off the road, we decided to get together about 11 miles down the road at the last community in Texas on Hwy 190, Bon Weir. So at 9:30 Libby joined us, and we all had a short breakfast together for about 30 minutes. Jim and Jeannie were in Texas to visit a cousin of hers and Jim will be attending a Colt gun show in Houston. We knew they were going to be in Texas, but certainly didn’t expect them to check on us in Eastern Texas.
Later in the day, after having lunch in De Ridder LA, I was riding along a rural road that had some fairly tall grass growing right next to the shoulder. A raccoon suddenly appeared on the road right in front of me. As soon as he saw me he jumped straight up in the air made a quick turn and exited off into the bushes. I don’t think I missed him by more than two feet.
Another very unusual site was seeing well over a thousand “FEMA” homes on wheels in De Ridder LA. They were parked at the local airport and you could see them lined up as far as the eye could see.

With the exception of two hills just before leaving Texas, the rest of the day was spent on very flat Louisiana land. Almost the entire day was spent riding through forested areas. There were several large pulp mills along the way. I was able to travel 91 miles today in 7 hours of biking averaging 13 mph. It was 57 degrees when I started at 7 AM and 86 when I finished at 3:30. We are currently in Oberlin LA, and I hope to reach Baton Rouge tomorrow.
Miles Traveled Today = 91
Total Miles Traveled = 1,806
Trivia = We have been introduced to a new bug. They call them Honeymoon bugs or Love bugs. You never see one, they always travel by twos; and they are joined together. You need to ride with your mouth closed. The front of the cars around here are covered with the black twosomes!!!
Stumbled on your blog today. What an inspiration you are! If I had known a few weeks ago you were passing through my area (Gilbert, AZ, south of Apache Junction) I would have come to cheer you on. God bless!
What fun to run into the Cassatts! I bet it was nice to see some familiar faces after 3 weeks on the road.
You better slow down just a bit or you will be done with the trip before we are able to meet you!
Yikes, what a cool surprise to see/hear Cassatts!
I remember the time you road over a squirrel. Glad the raccoon got away. That would have been a terrible mess.
Just think of those bugs as extra protein!
Glad the $ is still coming in. You deserve it! Donate folks, it's a very worthy cause.
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