Arrived in Conroe, Texas after 78 miles of more uphills and into the East Texas wind. The shoulders along Highway 105 were smooth and wide for the most part. The morning was through dairy country with Jersey cows whose milk goes into some the finest Texas made ice cream called Blue Bell. The farms appeared to be predominately owned by folks of German descent. Libby toured the creamery in the morning before meeting up with me for lunch. It was a 100 year old creamery which is still a thriving local business in Brenham, Texas.

These wind mills are for sale at most feed, hardware and WalMart stores bordering Highway 105 also known as Texas Independence Trail. Don't have to wonder why there are so many windmills for sale!!!
The surprise today was beautiful Lake Conroe. Here were the first signs of damage from Hurricane Ike. There were trees down, many billboards in piles, and a boat dock that had flipped over and was laying on top of a roof with the pontoons sticking in the air.
The good news today was from the Treasurer of Dollars for Scholars, Kit Brown, that funds continue to come in and we are currently very close to reaching 60% of the $100,000 goal. We were contacted by the local KNDO TV in Yakima and there will be an update on our progress on the news tonight.
The temperature remains cool and agreeable, starting at about 60 degrees in the morning and ending at 85 in the afternoon. The humidity is hardly noticeable because of the wind.
Miles Traveled Today = 78
Total Miles Traveled = 1,629
Trivia = Ate lunch at a gas station/restaurant/mini mart/insurance office/liquor store that had four mounted wild boer heads on the walls -- we were sure thankful we ordered a chicken sandwich instead of pork.
Leroy & Libby,
By my calculations you are roughly 1/2 way through your odyssey in just under 3 weeks. Congrats on the great progress. Enjoying the daily geography lessons. Keep the pedals churning.
Love, Don & Joan
Loved the KNDO snip on you. Aunt Mary sent it on to me. Fun to see the school again and Mr. Dvorjak. Lots of folks cheering you on out there.
Hope to talk with you tomorrow and enjoy the Lord's Day,
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