Thursday, October 23, 2008

Arkansas and Oklahoma

After spending the night in Conway, Arkansas just North of Little Rock we traveled Northwest into Oklahoma and connected up with a section of Route 66. It was very picturesque and included a stop at this round barn which was totally restored by a group of volunteers -- all over the age of 65. It was interesting to tour and see how involved the restoration was for those folks.

Just a mile up the road was another attraction, but this one was very new and modern, called Pops. We stopped for lunch and marveled at the selection of pop flavors from all over the United States. Every flavor, color, and bottle shape imaginable were there for viewing or purchase. It is a restaurant, gas station, tourist attraction, park, picnic grounds, just a fun place to spend a little time.

On the outskirts of Oklahoma City we stopped to tour the National Cowboy Museum. It is a huge complex with historical displays and currently a display of American Crafts which was most impressive.

Following Route 66 into Oklahoma City, we managed to locate the memorial of the courthouse bombing that happened in 1995. A very fitting park and grounds have been erected to those who lost their lives in the bombing. The tree pictured survived the bombing. The chairs are arranged on the lawn according to how many died on each floor of the building, with the smaller chairs representing the children that died. Outside the entrance some of the temporary fencing has been left up so people can place items there in memory of those who died.

Tomorrow we will be continuing our travels North and West through Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado.

Trivia = We purchased gas tonight in Guthrie, Oklahoma for $2.19. Of course there are oil wells pumping the oil out of the ground located just a mile from the gas station in all directions.

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