We woke up this morning to ice on our windshield in Perry, OK, just North of Oklahoma City. Beginning early, we traveled in the dark North towards Wichita, Kansas. Driving on the Kansas Turnpike was probably the best road we have had the privilege to drive.

Once leaving the turnpike we continued North on an Interstate with the exception of a short five mile side trip to Lindsborg, Kansas. What a delightful small town capitalizing on their Swedish origins. Bethany College is also located in this community. Hopefully, the pictures will highlight their quaint main street.

Kansas lived up to its reputation of "amber waves of grain" but not wheat this time of year, but milo and soybeans. Many grain elevators and oil pumping rigs lined the skyline as well as a section of the new windmills producing electricity. Continuing North into Nebraska we noticed that it has rained recently; with one small town of Elwood, Nebraska having enough snow that it had been bladed; leaving small piles along the road. Sure glad we dug out the jeans and long sleeved shirts this morning.

The day was spent mostly driving North and West to reach Scottsbluff, Nebraska where we are staying tonight. A quick stop to view a Pony Express Station in Gothenburg, Nebraska was awesome. We enjoyed driving off the Interstate paralleling the North Platte River for most of the afternoon. As darkness approached we viewed Chimney Rock which served as a beacon of the plains to those traveling the Oregon Trail to a new life in the West. One forgets just how much history abounds all over these great United States.

Tomorrow we plan to push on through Wyoming, with a stay in Sheridan planned for Saturday night and Sunday.
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