Since we stayed at a bed and breakfast place last night and breakfast was not served until 8 AM getting started was delayed today. We then needed to board a ferry off Dauphin Island, which did not leave until 9:30 AM. We reached the mainland of Alabama at 10 when I finally got to make some serious progress towards Pensacola. Since we were biking very close to the Gulf all day, I spent most of the day with a serious headwind. The great part of the trip, however, was all of the beautiful scenery of Gulf waters and sugar white sand along the way. Once again the only hills that I encountered today were bridges that went over various waterways that arc way up in the air to allow boats to pass under them without having to open the bridge. Most of the cities along the gulf have some very big time growth going on. I’m not talking about small homes; these are huge condo complexes that look to be at least 20 stories high. Millions upon millions of dollars are being spent on these very luxurious places.
Our ferry held a total of 18 cars and took us out past some off shore natural gas towers in Mobile Alabama Bay. We learned that this area happens to be the largest natural gas reserve in the United States. We were also very privileged to see many birds and they were very willing to pose for us. This area of Alabama is known for its many birds and it is migratory season now.

As usual each day we get to see some very unusual items along the way. Today we spotted a mailbox. When Libby stopped to take the picture, she discovered the individual had a whole yard full of very unusual creatures.

I suspect the most striking feature that really catches your eye is the mile upon mile of the white sand. Since each day is still in the high 80’s there are many people out swimming and enjoying the beaches. I will have to admit that since this has been a long tough week of riding there were times I gave serious thought to just calling it a day and joining them on the beach.
Miles Traveled Today = 72
Total Miles Traveled = 2,238
Trivia = Riding along the beach in Orange Beach, Alabama, I witnessed a young motorcycle rider do a block long wheelie not realizing two cars behind him was the local community police. The police must not have been as impressed as I was about his skill since his colored lights came on almost immediately.
Trivia = Riding along the beach in Orange Beach, Alabama, I witnessed a young motorcycle rider do a block long wheelie not realizing two cars behind him was the local community police. The police must not have been as impressed as I was about his skill since his colored lights came on almost immediately.
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